Since its inception in 2021, Ecocene Foundation has been developing, managing and supporting programs and projects in a sustained manner.

Ecoceno’s work seeks to address the root causes of the social and ecological unsustainability of the hegemonic form of organization of social life in the contemporary world, including economic, political, cultural, technological dimensions, etc. This hegemonic form of social organization can be synthesized as thermo-industrial (energy base and production pattern), capitalist (economic pattern of accumulation) and consumerist (cultural pattern of integration and social validation), and we designate it with the acronym TICC. The “TICC model”, like any other model of organization of social life, crosses political, legal-institutional, and psycho-social structures, enabling or facilitating certain collective and individual action options and preventing or hindering others.

The programs and projects of the organizations that make up the structure of the Foundation seek to identify the enabling and hindering factors of a socio-ecologically transforming change for the construction of sustainable societies, that is, those capable of the future, taking advantage of and promoting the former and seeking ways to deactivate or reduce the influence of the latter through educational-training tools, research, legal-institutional incidence, territorial-community incidence, dissemination and professional advice to organizations.

Ecocene Programs

In a hyper-fragmented academic landscape, specialized and traversed by the technocratic discourse on sustainability, the DSEI offers a systemic and integral perspective-framework on contemporary socio-ecological problems in Latin America and the world, as well as the most promising points of incidence to redirect unsustainable trajectories of local and global development towards an integral ecology. It has a large and diverse
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SustENABLE Transformation is a long-term research program that, through various lines of research, with their respective associated projects, seeks to study and understand the structural conditions and processes that enable or hinder the fundamental reconfiguration of our unsustainable social and economic systems, as well as the contingent windows of opportunity that various agents can take advantage of to positively influence,
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The objective of this program is to address issues related to the crisis of the hegemonic agri-food model in articulation with transition strategies towards ecologically sustainable food production, marketing, and consumption models, both socially and environmentally. It is proposed as an interdisciplinary platform for cooperation between academic and social actors that seek to promote these transition processes. 
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This program, developed in academic cooperation with the Catholic University of Santa Fe (UCSF), Argentina, is devoted to the study of legal issues from a (socio-)ecological approach. Law is understood as a human tool aimed at regulating coexistence in the Common Home from an ecological perspective, which seeks to articulate human and non-human dimensions (e.g. social and environmental) understood as
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Project Support

In general terms, the main observable effect of the currents of corporate social and environmental responsibility and so-called "green investment" is the emergence of a new dimension of corporate image, public relations, and marketing without a substantial change in the current unsustainable trajectories of corporate growth and development ("green washing" and "social washing"). The role of the ethical-transformational company is
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A space for academic exchange that articulates current debates on law, society, and ecology from interdisciplinary approaches. Methodologically, we work based on texts previously disseminated among the participants and which are briefly presented by one of them at the beginning of the meeting. This presentation serves as a trigger for an open and plural exchange. It brings together participants from
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This project echoes the serious global social and environmental crises by addressing the collision between human rights and the economy, through a casuistic analysis of some of these crises. The main hypothesis is that the collision in question, reflected in such violations of social and environmental human rights at the global level, underlies a deeper crisis, a structural crisis of
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Project Management