Higher Diploma in Integral Ecology (DSEI)

In a hyper-fragmented academic landscape, specialized and traversed by the technocratic discourse on sustainability, the DSEI offers a systemic and integral perspective-framework on contemporary socio-ecological problems in Latin America and the world, as well as the most promising points of incidence to redirect unsustainable trajectories of local and global development towards an integral ecology. It has a large and diverse faculty of international prestige. The DSEI is the only program of its kind in Spanish, which addresses the most current issues and debates on the subject worldwide and has the academic endorsement of the 42 Latin American universities members of the University Network for the Care of the Common Home (RUC) and the support of 29 allied organizations, with the coordination and academic direction of the Ecocene Foundation. In collaboration with the universities of the network and its allied organizations, the DSEI also promotes regular and fluid communication with society through virtual discussions and public lectures on current or substantive issues with socio-ecological relevance, with the participation of important personalities from the political, social, academic, and religious world at the international level. Recently, the DSEI Alumni Club has also been created, which has carried out or has in its portfolio several initiatives of institutional and territorial incidence, as well as dissemination.

Director: Adrián E. Beling

Coordinador Ejecutivo: Emmanuel Poretti