Annika Weber

She is currently doing an internship at the Ecocene Foundation as part of her master’s degree in Global Studies at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg/FLACSO Argentina. Prior to that, she completed her bachelor’s degree in Intercultural Management and Communication at the Karlshochschule International University (Germany). As part of these studies, she has already completed semesters abroad in Taiwan, Argentina and Thailand.

So far, she has gained experience in various internships in the fields of intercultural training, implementation of business strategies, organisation and implementation of sustainability camps for children in Cape Town, and as a nurse in hospitals. Above all, she is always interested in exchanges with other cultures, whether on private or business trips.

Interests: Socio-ecological transformation, social change, current issues in world politics as well as in the Southeast Asian region in particular and, intercultural training.

Adrián E. Beling

Dr. Beling is Academic Director of two pioneering postgraduate programs: the Global Studies Programme at FLACSO Argentina(Latin-American Faculty of Social Sciences) and the Higher Diploma in Integral Ecology. Adrian holds a PhD in Sociology from the Humboldt University of Berlin and from the Alberto Hurtado University, in Chile, as well as an M.A. in Global Studies. Trained in Economics, Business Administration and Social Sciences in Argentina (National University of Cuyo and FLACSO), Germany (University of Freiburg), and India (Jawaharlal Nehru University), he is a lecturer and public speaker in diverse academic and non-academic contexts in different countries. In 2014 he co-founded the academic blog and journal Alternautas, devoted to making Latin-American socio-environmental thinking available to a non-Spanish speaking audience. Dr. Beling’s theoretical and empirical work explores both the conditions for a successful sustainability transition (“transition governance”) and how governance itself is transformed as a result of sustainability imperatives (“governance in transition”). He has published extensively on the Latin-American Buen vivir experiment. Adrian’s latest work focuses on the role of religion & church as a sustainability governance agent, and on the interface of politics and culture in sustainability governance theory.

Selected Publications

  • Beling, A. E., Cubillo-Guevara, A.P, Vanhulst, J., Hidalgo-Capitán, A.L. (2021). Buen vivir (good living): A “Glocal” genealogy of a Latin-American utopia. Latin American Perspectives, 48, no. 3: 17–34.
  • Beling, A.E. & Vanhulst, J. (Eds.) (2019). Desarrollo non sancto. La religión como actor emergente en el debate global sobre el desarrollo sostenible. México: Siglo XXI Editores
  • Vanhulst, J., & Beling, A. E. (2019). “Post-Eurocentric Sutainability Governance. Lessons from the Latin-American Buen vivir experiment”, in A. Kalfagiani, D. Fuchs & A Hayden (Eds). Handbook of Global Sustainability Governance, London, Routledge, ISBN 978-1-138-04828-7
  • Cubillo-Guevara, A.P., Vanhulst, J., Hidalgo-Capitán, A.L. & Beling, A. E. (2018). Die lateinamerikanischen Diskurse zu Buen vivir: Entstehung, Institutionalisierung und Veränderung, Peripherie, Nr. 149, 8-28
  • Beling, Adrian E., Julien Vanhulst, Federico Demaria, Violeta Rabi, Ana Estefanía Carballo, and Jérôme Pelenc (2018). “Discursive Synergies for a ‘Great Transformation’ towards Sustainability: Pragmatic Contributions to a Necessary Dialogue between Human Development, Degrowth, and Buen Vivir.” Ecological Economics 144: 304–13.
  • Vanhulst, Julien ; Beling, Adrian (2017). Esquisse pour une généalogie glocal du Buen Vivir. Synergies Chili N°13, 15-25.
  • Vanhulst, J., & Beling, A. E. (2014). Buen vivir: Emergent discourse within or beyond sustainable development? Ecological Economics, 101, 54–63.

María Cristina Alé

Argentine, born in Mendoza and currently based in Berlin. She works internationally, regionally and nationally as a consultant, teacher, researcher and litigant.

She holds a law degree from the University of Mendoza, Argentina.  She received her Magister-Legum (LL.M) in Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law from the European University-Viadrina (Germany) and she is a Doctoral candidate at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany).

She is a member of the Editorial Committee of the legal journal “República y Derecho” (RYD) of the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina. 

She has specialized in Business and Human Rights, the Inter-American human rights system, Conflict Management and Transformation; the Defense and Protection of Human Rights Defenders and Social Organizations; Public interest litigation and Environmental Law.

She is a member of international research networks such as the Law and Development Research Network (LDRN) and the International Network on Climate Change, Energy and Human Rights (RICEDH).

She is external researcher in projects carried out in different universities in Argentina and Latin America. She has been a presenter and co-organizer of international conferences on topics in her area of expertise, and guest lecturer in various seminars and undergraduate and graduate courses.

Current Research Areas: Agri-Food System. Energy Transition. International and regional systems for the protection of human rights. Business and human rights. Economic, social, cultural and environmental rights. Public Interest oriented litigation.

Ana María Bonet

Researcher Catholic University of Santa Fe – CONICET.
Associate researcher Global Studies Program – FLACSO.

Postdoctoral CONICET.
PhD in Law (University of Bremen, Germany).
Master in Law – LLM (University of Freiburg, Germany).
Lawyer (UNL, Argentina), Mediator.

Director of the Socio-Eco-Legal Research Team, UCSF, Argentina.
Current project: “Human rights and economy. relationships and tensions
between social and environmental rights and the transnational legal-economic order”.

Member of the CAI+D research team: Human Right to Food in Santa Fe, FCJS-UNL

Invited Researcher Max-Planck-Institut of International Law (Heidelberg, Germany).

Lines of investigation:
Previous: Traceability and risk management. Regulation of the risks of transgenics. Right to food and intellectual property. Development Models and
Current: ecological responsibilities and integral ecology. human rights and
economy. Legal pluralism. Norms of access and human rights. Global commons. Human right to food and public food policies.

Gabriel Agustín Sanchez Mendoza

He is a lawyer specialized in environmental law, graduated from the National University of Cuyo, Argentina; Graduated in “International Defense of Human Rights”. Zaragoza’s University; Graduated in “International Litigation”. UNCuyo; Master in Business Administration”. Rey Juan Carlos University and master’s degree in “High Business Excellence”. European Open Business School. Specialization in International Law. Rey Juan Carlos University.

He is a member of the International Network on Climate Change, Energy and Human Rights (RICEDH).

Investing in the Ecocene

In general terms, the main observable effect of the currents of corporate social and environmental responsibility and so-called “green investment” is the emergence of a new dimension of corporate image, public relations, and marketing without a substantial change in the current unsustainable trajectories of corporate growth and development (“green washing” and “social washing”). The role of the ethical-transformational company is to contribute to the development of a commons-oriented economy, supporting and facilitating the creation of social value (not necessarily commercial) by productive publics. This training program for transformative investors shows how their fund placements can be organically linked to the values and objectives of commons-producing communities, rather than responding mechanically and abstractly to the logic of capital accumulation.

Dirección: Adrián E. Beling.

Socio-Eco-Legal Reflection Circle

A space for academic exchange that articulates current debates on law, society, and ecology from interdisciplinary approaches. Methodologically, we work based on texts previously disseminated among the participants and which are briefly presented by one of them at the beginning of the meeting. This presentation serves as a trigger for an open and plural exchange. It brings together participants from different academic and other social areas, and usually functions as a rich space of inspiration for the work of academic production.

Coordinación: Ana María Bonet

Human Rights and Economics: Relationships and tensions between social and environmental rights and the transnational legal-economic order.

This project echoes the serious global social and environmental crises by addressing the collision between human rights and the economy, through a casuistic analysis of some of these crises. The main hypothesis is that the collision in question, reflected in such violations of social and environmental human rights at the global level, underlies a deeper crisis, a structural crisis of the model of sociality proposed since modernity. From a critical analysis of this current model, and from the ethical postulates of a sociality of hospitality, the research proposes to contribute to the gestation of a more fraternal and solidary law, articulable with a corresponding economic system, which will lay the foundations for an effective realization of human rights, especially those of social and environmental content.

Dirección: Ana María Bonet

Socio-Eco-Legal Research

This program, developed in academic cooperation with the Catholic University of Santa Fe (UCSF), Argentina, is devoted to the study of legal issues from a (socio-)ecological approach. Law is understood as a human tool aimed at regulating coexistence in the Common Home from an ecological perspective, which seeks to articulate human and non-human dimensions (e.g. social and environmental) understood as interdependent in the planetary ecosystem. The naturalization of the dichotomy between nature and society, which divides the human as a subject of rights from the non-human – relegated to an “external” environment – still often forces us to refer separately to the social and the ecological. In the face of this dichotomy, the concept of integral ecology is proposed as a term to recover the relations of interaction between all beings -human and non-human- that inhabit the global ecosystem, as a Common Home.

Link externo:
Dirección: Ana María Bonet

Higher Diploma in Integral Ecology (DSEI)

In a hyper-fragmented academic landscape, specialized and traversed by the technocratic discourse on sustainability, the DSEI offers a systemic and integral perspective-framework on contemporary socio-ecological problems in Latin America and the world, as well as the most promising points of incidence to redirect unsustainable trajectories of local and global development towards an integral ecology. It has a large and diverse faculty of international prestige. The DSEI is the only program of its kind in Spanish, which addresses the most current issues and debates on the subject worldwide and has the academic endorsement of the 42 Latin American universities members of the University Network for the Care of the Common Home (RUC) and the support of 29 allied organizations, with the coordination and academic direction of the Ecocene Foundation. In collaboration with the universities of the network and its allied organizations, the DSEI also promotes regular and fluid communication with society through virtual discussions and public lectures on current or substantive issues with socio-ecological relevance, with the participation of important personalities from the political, social, academic, and religious world at the international level. Recently, the DSEI Alumni Club has also been created, which has carried out or has in its portfolio several initiatives of institutional and territorial incidence, as well as dissemination.

Director: Adrián E. Beling

Coordinador Ejecutivo: Emmanuel Poretti